FAQs on Anam Bas

Where exactly is Anam Bas?
Anambas, which consists of over 70 islands, is approx. 180 nm NE of Singapore.

How many hours does it take to travel from Batam to Anam Bas?
If we are travelling in 10 knots, we would be able to reach Anam Bas at around 22 hrs.

Subtracting the travelling time (to & fro), what is the period (in terms of days & nights) of actual fishing time?
3d/3n of fishing + 1 day of city tour and enjoying at the waterfall with beautiful sceneries.

Since there could be a max. of 10 anglers, could all of then troll at the same time?
I would not recommend all anglers to troll at the same time.

What fishes (types & sizes) could one expect to catch there?
It will depend what type of fishing we are doing:
a) bottom fishing - groupers, snappers, different types of trevallies, etc.
b) jigging - 3-15kg GTs landed, etc.
c) popping - 3-8kg GTs landed, etc.
d) trolling - 35kg billfish landed, yellow-fin and dog-tooth tuna on season, barracudas, giant GTs and tinggiris.

What angling gear (bottom fishing, jigging, popping, etc) do you recommend one to bring along? Any recommended line weight, without distracting from the entertainment value of fighting an average-size fish?
My recommendation is that bring along at least 3 sets of tackles from 20 to 80lbs.

If there are less than 10 anglers who sign-up for the trip, would it still continue?
We will still carry on. When KennyFishingStation's booking date is out, no cancellation even when there is only one angler.

If you have any other enquires, please contact Kenny @ HP 96238875 or via email: kennyfishing@yahoo.com.


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Contact Kenny @ HP: 96238875 Email: kennyfishing@yahoo.com